DTD Tree structure of the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) DTD generated using Matra
DTD Name: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) DTD.
DTD Location:
[cached copy]
DTD Version: January 14, 2003 (SVG 1.1)
DTD-Tree [How to read it?]
svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | +- mpath? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?) | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- tspan (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- tspan (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- tref (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyph (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, glyphRef?, format?, rotate?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |= glyphRef+ (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", x?, y?, dx?, dy?, glyphRef?, format?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- altGlyphItem+ (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | += glyphRef+ (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", x?, y?, dx?, dy?, glyphRef?, format?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- stop (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, offset) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- stop (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, offset) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feBlend (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, in2, mode="normal") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feColorMatrix (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, type="matrix", values?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feComponentTransfer (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feFuncR? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, tableValues?, slope?, intercept?, amplitude?, exponent?, offset?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feFuncG? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, tableValues?, slope?, intercept?, amplitude?, exponent?, offset?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feFuncB? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, tableValues?, slope?, intercept?, amplitude?, exponent?, offset?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- feFuncA? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, tableValues?, slope?, intercept?, amplitude?, exponent?, offset?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feComposite (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, in2, operator="over", k1?, k2?, k3?, k4?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feConvolveMatrix (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, order, kernelMatrix, divisor?, bias?, targetX?, targetY?, edgeMode="duplicate", kernelUnitLength?, preserveAlpha?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feDiffuseLighting (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, lighting-color?, surfaceScale?, diffuseConstant?, kernelUnitLength?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feDistantLight (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, azimuth?, elevation?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- fePointLight (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, x?, y?, z?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feSpotLight (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, x?, y?, z?, pointsAtX?, pointsAtY?, pointsAtZ?, specularExponent?, limitingConeAngle?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feDisplacementMap (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, in2, scale?, xChannelSelector="A", yChannelSelector="A") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feFlood (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feGaussianBlur (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, stdDeviation?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feImage (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feMerge (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- feMergeNode (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, in?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feMorphology (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, operator="erode", radius?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feOffset (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, dx?, dy?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feSpecularLighting (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?, lighting-color?, surfaceScale?, specularConstant?, specularExponent?, kernelUnitLength?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feDistantLight (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, azimuth?, elevation?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- fePointLight (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, x?, y?, z?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feSpotLight (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, x?, y?, z?, pointsAtX?, pointsAtY?, pointsAtZ?, specularExponent?, limitingConeAngle?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- feTile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, in?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- feTurbulence (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, color-interpolation-filters?, x?, y?, width?, height?, result?, baseFrequency?, numOctaves?, seed?, stitchTiles="noStitch", type="turbulence") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font-face-src? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font-face-uri (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | += font-face-format (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, string?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | += font-face-name (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, name?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | += definition-src? (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad") | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- missing-glyph (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, d?, horiz-adv-x?, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- glyph (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, unicode?, glyph-name?, d?, orientation?, arabic-form?, lang?, horiz-adv-x?, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- svg (xmlns=="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onunload?, onabort?, onerror?, onresize?, onscroll?, onzoom?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", version=="1.1", baseProfile?, contentScriptType="text/ecmascript", contentStyleType="text/css") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- g (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |= hkern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, u1?, g1?, u2?, g2?, k) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | += vkern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, u1?, g1?, u2?, g2?, k) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) ** | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- tref (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- textPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, startOffset?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, method?, spacing?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- tspan (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- tref (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyph (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, glyphRef?, format?, rotate?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- desc (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- title (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | |- metadata (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | | | | | | | | | | | |- altGlyph (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, glyphRef?, format?, rotate?) | | | | | | | | | | | +- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- animate (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | |- set (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", to?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- animateMotion (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", additive="replace", accumulate="none", calcMode="paced", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, path?, keyPoints?, rotate?, origin?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- animateColor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none") --> | | | | | | | | | |- animateTransform (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, onbegin?, onend?, onrepeat?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", attributeName, attributeType?, begin?, dur?, end?, min?, max?, restart="always", repeatCount?, repeatDur?, fill="remove", calcMode="linear", values?, keyTimes?, keySplines?, from?, to?, by?, additive="replace", accumulate="none", type="translate") --> | | | | | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) ** | | | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | | | | | | | | | +- foreignObject (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, transform?) | | | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) --> | | | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) --> | | | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | | | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | | | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) --> | | | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) --> | | | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) --> | | | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | | | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | | | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | | | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | | | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) --> | | | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | | | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | | | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | | | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | | | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | | | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | | | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | | | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | | | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) --> | | | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | | | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | | | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | | | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | | | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | | | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) --> | | | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | | | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | | | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | | | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | | | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | | | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | | | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> | |- defs (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) --> | |- symbol (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | |- use (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, transform?) --> | |- switch (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?) --> | |- image (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, clip?, overflow?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, color-profile?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="embed", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", transform?) --> | |- style (xml:space=="preserve", id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, type, media?, title?) | |- path (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, d, pathLength?, transform?) --> | |- rect (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width, height, rx?, ry?, transform?) --> | |- circle (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r, transform?) --> | |- line (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, transform?) --> | |- ellipse (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, rx, ry, transform?) --> | |- polyline (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | |- polygon (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, points, transform?) --> | |- text (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, dx?, dy?, rotate?, textLength?, lengthAdjust?, transform?) --> | |- altGlyphDef (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?) --> | |- marker (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, refX?, refY?, markerUnits?, markerWidth?, markerHeight?, orient?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | |- color-profile (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", local?, name, rendering-intent="auto") --> | |- linearGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x1?, y1?, x2?, y2?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | |- radialGradient (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, cx?, cy?, r?, fx?, fy?, gradientUnits?, gradientTransform?, spreadMethod?) --> | |- pattern (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, patternUnits?, patternContentUnits?, patternTransform?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet") --> | |- clipPath (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, cursor?, externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, clipPathUnits?) --> | |- mask (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, maskUnits?, maskContentUnits?) --> | |- filter (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?, width?, height?, filterRes?, filterUnits?, primitiveUnits?) --> | |- cursor (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, x?, y?) --> | |- a (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, requiredFeatures?, requiredExtensions?, systemLanguage?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, onfocusin?, onfocusout?, onactivate?, onclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onload?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="replace", xlink:actuate=="onRequest", externalResourcesRequired?, transform?, target?) --> | |- view (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, externalResourcesRequired?, viewBox?, preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet", zoomAndPan="magnify", viewTarget?) --> | |- script (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, xmlns:xlink=="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xlink:type=="simple", xlink:href?, xlink:role?, xlink:arcrole?, xlink:title?, xlink:show="other", xlink:actuate=="onLoad", externalResourcesRequired?, type) | |- font (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, style?, class?, enable-background?, clip?, overflow?, writing-mode?, alignment-baseline?, baseline-shift?, direction?, dominant-baseline?, glyph-orientation-horizontal?, glyph-orientation-vertical?, kerning?, letter-spacing?, text-anchor?, text-decoration?, unicode-bidi?, word-spacing?, font-family?, font-size?, font-size-adjust?, font-stretch?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, fill?, fill-rule?, stroke?, stroke-dasharray?, stroke-dashoffset?, stroke-linecap?, stroke-linejoin?, stroke-miterlimit?, stroke-width?, color?, color-interpolation?, color-rendering?, opacity?, fill-opacity?, stroke-opacity?, display?, image-rendering?, pointer-events?, shape-rendering?, text-rendering?, visibility?, marker-start?, marker-mid?, marker-end?, color-profile?, stop-color?, stop-opacity?, clip-path?, clip-rule?, mask?, filter?, color-interpolation-filters?, cursor?, flood-color?, flood-opacity?, lighting-color?, externalResourcesRequired?, horiz-origin-x?, horiz-origin-y?, horiz-adv-x, vert-origin-x?, vert-origin-y?, vert-adv-y?) --> | +- font-face (id?, xml:base?, xml:lang?, xml:space?, font-family?, font-style?, font-variant?, font-weight?, font-stretch?, font-size?, unicode-range?, units-per-em?, panose-1?, stemv?, stemh?, slope?, cap-height?, x-height?, accent-height?, ascent?, descent?, widths?, bbox?, ideographic?, alphabetic?, mathematical?, hanging?, v-ideographic?, v-alphabetic?, v-mathematical?, v-hanging?, underline-position?, underline-thickness?, strikethrough-position?, strikethrough-thickness?, overline-position?, overline-thickness?) --> Tree representation of the SVG DTD - generated using Matra (http://matra.sourceforge.net/)
How to read the above tree?
Please check the article How to read the DTD Tree to learn how to read the above dtd tree generated by the Matra DTD Parser.
About SVG
SVG stands for "Scalable Vector Graphics". SVG is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Recommendation
"SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML "
About Matra
Matra is a java based XML DTD parser utility. It is available from http://matra.sourceforge.net. It is freely available under the open-source MPL 1.1 license.