DTD Tree structure of RDF 0.9 DTD

DTD Tree structure of RDF 0.9 DTD generated using Matra 0.8b

DTD Location: http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-0.9.dtd [cached copy]
DTD Issue Date: November 09, 2001
DTD Version: 0.9


rdf:RDF (xmlns:rdf=="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", xmlns)
|- channel
|  |
|  |- title
|  |
|  |- description
|  |
|  +- link
|- image?
|  |
|  |- title
|  |
|  |- url
|  |
|  +- link
|- item+
|  |
|  |- title
|  |
|  +- link
+- textinput?
   |- title
   |- description
   |- name
   +- link

Tree representation of the RDF 0.9 DTD - generated using Matra 0.8b (http://matra.sourceforge.net/)

How to read the above tree?

The head of the tree represents a potential root element. For the above tree it is rdf:RDF.

rdf:RDF (xmlns:rdf=="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", xmlns) The rdf:RDF. Element type contains two attributes - as indicated by the content within parenthesis.

  1. xmlns:rdf - This attribute has a fixed value of "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#".
  2. xmlns - This is a required attribute with no default value specified.
The rdf:RDF. Element type has four child element types.
rdf:RDF (xmlns:rdf=="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", xmlns)
|- channel
|- image?
|- item+
+- textinput?
It has a mandatory channel element, an optional image element, one or more item elements and finally an optional textinput element.

The channel element has no attributes, but has three mandatory elements under it.

   |- title
   |- description
   +- link
The rest of the tree can be similarly read.

About RSS 0.9
(from the dtd documentation)

RDF Site Summary (RSS) 0.9 official DTD, proposed.
RSS is an XML/RDF vocabulary for describing metadata about websites, and enabling the display of "channels" on the "My Netscape" website.

RSS Info can be found at http://my.netscape.com/publish/
XML Info can be found at http://www.w3.org/XML/
RDF Info can be found at http://www.w3.org/RDF/
copyright Netscape Communications, 1999
Dan Libby - danda at netscape.com
Based on RSS DTD originally created by Lars Marius Garshol - larsga at ifi.uio.no.

About Matra

Matra is a java based XML DTD parser utility. It is available from http://matra.sourceforge.net. It is freely available under the open-source MPL 1.1 license.