DTD Tree structure of Microarray Gene Expression Database Markup Language generated using Matra

DTD Name: Microarray Gene Expression Database Markup Language (MAGE-ML)
DTD Location: http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?dtc/02-09-03 [cached copy]
DTD Issue Date: January 25, 2002
DTD Version: version 003 (preliminary version)
DTD Status: preliminary version

DTD-Tree [How to read it?] [Notes on the dtdtree]

StandardQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)

+= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)

+= ExperimentalFactor_ref (identifier, name?)

+= FeatureGroup_ref (identifier, name?)

+= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)

+= DerivedBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)

+= MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)

+- PhysicalBioAssay+ (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
   |     |
   |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Description+ (text?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
   |     |        |
   |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- Type_assn?
   |     |           |  |
   |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
   |     |           |
   |     |           +- Database_assnref
   |     |              |
   |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
   |     |
   |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
   |           |
   |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |           |
   |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |           |
   |           +- Parameters_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- Channels_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += Channel_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- BioAssayFactorValues_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += FactorValue_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- PhysicalBioAssayData_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Image+ (identifier, name?, URI?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Channels_assnreflist?  -->
   |     |
   |     +- Format_assn
   |        |
   |        +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
   |- BioAssayCreation_assn?
   |  |
   |  |- BioAssayCreation (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  +- ProtocolApplication+ (activityDate)
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  +- ParameterValue+ (value?)
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     +- ParameterType_assnref
   |  |  |     |        |
   |  |  |     |        += Parameter_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- HardwareApplications_assnlist?
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  +- HardwareApplication+ (serialNumber?)
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     +- Hardware_assnref
   |  |  |     |        |
   |  |  |     |        += Hardware_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- SoftwareApplications_assnlist?
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  +- SoftwareApplication+ (version?, releaseDate?)
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |     |
   |  |  |     |     +- Software_assnref
   |  |  |     |        |
   |  |  |     |        += Software_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- Performers_assnreflist?
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  += Person_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     +- Protocol_assnref
   |  |  |        |
   |  |  |        += Protocol_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- SourceBioMaterialMeasurements_assnlist?
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  +- BioMaterialMeasurement+
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     |- BioMaterial_assnref
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  |= BioMaterial_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  |= BioSource_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  |= LabeledExtract_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |  |
   |  |  |     |  += BioSample_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |     |
   |  |  |     +- Measurement_assn?
   |  |  |        |
   |  |  |        +- Measurement (type="absolute", value, kindCV="other", otherKind?)
   |  |  |           |
   |  |  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |           |
   |  |  |           +- Unit_assn?
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              |- TimeUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |              |  |
   |  |  |              |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              |- DistanceUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |              |  |
   |  |  |              |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              |- TemperatureUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |              |  |
   |  |  |              |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              |- QuantityUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |              |  |
   |  |  |              |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              |- MassUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |              |  |
   |  |  |              |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              |- VolumeUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |              |  |
   |  |  |              |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |              |
   |  |  |              +- ConcentrationUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |  |  |                 |
   |  |  |                 +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  +- Array_assnref
   |  |     |
   |  |     += Array_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |
   |  +- Hybridization (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- SourceBioMaterialMeasurements_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     +- Array_assnref  -->
   +- BioAssayTreatments_assnlist?
      |- BioAssayTreatment (identifier, name?)
      |  |
      |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
      |  |
      |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
      |  |
      |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
      |  |
      |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
      |  |
      |  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
      |  |
      |  +- Target_assnref
      |     |
      |     += PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
      +- ImageAcquisition (identifier, name?)
         |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
         |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
         |- Security_assnref?  -->
         |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
         |- Target_assnref  -->
         +- Images_assnreflist?
            += Image_ref+ (identifier, name?)

+- MeasuredBioAssay+ (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
   |     |
   |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Description+ (text?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
   |     |        |
   |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- Type_assn?
   |     |           |  |
   |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
   |     |           |
   |     |           +- Database_assnref
   |     |              |
   |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
   |     |
   |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
   |           |
   |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |           |
   |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |           |
   |           +- Parameters_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- Channels_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += Channel_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- BioAssayFactorValues_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += FactorValue_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- FeatureExtraction_assn?
   |  |
   |  +- FeatureExtraction (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ProtocolApplication+ (activityDate)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  +- ParameterValue+ (value?)
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     +- ParameterType_assnref
   |     |     |        |
   |     |     |        += Parameter_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- HardwareApplications_assnlist?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  +- HardwareApplication+ (serialNumber?)
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     +- Hardware_assnref
   |     |     |        |
   |     |     |        += Hardware_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- SoftwareApplications_assnlist?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  +- SoftwareApplication+ (version?, releaseDate?)
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     +- Software_assnref
   |     |     |        |
   |     |     |        += Software_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Performers_assnreflist?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Person_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Protocol_assnref
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Protocol_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     +- PhysicalBioAssaySource_assnref
   |        |
   |        += PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
   +- MeasuredBioAssayData_assnreflist?
      += MeasuredBioAssayData_ref+ (identifier, name?)

|- Error (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|  |
|  |- PropertySets_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
|  |
|  |- Descriptions_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Description+ (text?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           |- Type_assn?
|  |     |           |  |
|  |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           +- Database_assnref
|  |     |              |
|  |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
|  |        |
|  |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
|  |           |
|  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |           |
|  |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           +- Parameters_assnlist
|  |              |
|  |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- Channel_assnref?
|  |  |
|  |  += Channel_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- Scale_assn
|  |  |
|  |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- DataType_assn
|  |  |
|  |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?
|  |  |
|  |  |= ConfidenceIndicator_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |  |
|  |  += ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- TargetQuantitationType_assnref
|     |
|     |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
|- PValue (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|  |
|  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- Scale_assn  -->
|  |
|  |- DataType_assn  -->
|  |
|  |- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|  |
|  +- TargetQuantitationType_assnref  -->
+- ExpectedValue (identifier, name?, isBackground)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- Channel_assnref?  -->
   |- Scale_assn  -->
   |- DataType_assn  -->
   |- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
   +- TargetQuantitationType_assnref  -->

|- Reporter (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- PropertySets_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
|  |
|  |- Descriptions_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Description+ (text?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           |- Type_assn?
|  |     |           |  |
|  |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           +- Database_assnref
|  |     |              |
|  |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
|  |        |
|  |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
|  |           |
|  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |           |
|  |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           +- Parameters_assnlist
|  |              |
|  |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- ControlType_assn?
|  |  |
|  |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- ImmobilizedCharacteristics_assnreflist?
|  |  |
|  |  += BioSequence_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- WarningType_assn?
|  |  |
|  |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- FailTypes_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  +- FeatureReporterMaps_assnreflist?
|     |
|     += FeatureReporterMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|- CompositeSequence (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- ControlType_assn?  -->
|  |
|  |- BiologicalCharacteristics_assnreflist?
|  |  |
|  |  += BioSequence_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- ReporterCompositeMaps_assnreflist?
|  |  |
|  |  += ReporterCompositeMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- CompositeCompositeMaps_assnreflist?
|     |
|     += CompositeCompositeMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
+- Feature (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- ControlType_assn?  -->
   |- ControlFeatures_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += Feature_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- ControlledFeatures_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += Feature_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- Position_assn?
   |  |
   |  +- Position (x, y)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     +- DistanceUnit_assn?
   |        |
   |        +- DistanceUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
   |           |
   |           +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |- Zone_assnref?
   |  |
   |  += Zone_ref (identifier, name?)
   +- FeatureLocation_assn?
      += FeatureLocation (row, column)

|- CompositeCompositeMap (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- PropertySets_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
|  |
|  |- Descriptions_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Description+ (text?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           |- Type_assn?
|  |     |           |  |
|  |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
|  |     |           |
|  |     |           +- Database_assnref
|  |     |              |
|  |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
|  |        |
|  |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
|  |           |
|  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|  |           |
|  |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           +- Parameters_assnlist
|  |              |
|  |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |
|  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- ProtocolApplication+ (activityDate)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- ParameterValue+ (value?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- ParameterType_assnref
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        += Parameter_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- HardwareApplications_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- HardwareApplication+ (serialNumber?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- Hardware_assnref
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        += Hardware_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- SoftwareApplications_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- SoftwareApplication+ (version?, releaseDate?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- Software_assnref
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        += Software_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Performers_assnreflist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Person_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- Protocol_assnref
|  |        |
|  |        += Protocol_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- CompositeSequence_assnref
|  |  |
|  |  += CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- CompositePositionSources_assnlist
|     |
|     +- CompositePosition+ (start?, end?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Composite_assnref
|        |  |
|        |  += CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        +- MismatchInformation_assnlist?
|           |
|           +- MismatchInformation+ (startCoord, newSequence?, replacedLength)
|              |
|              +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|- FeatureReporterMap (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |
|  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|  |
|  |- Reporter_assnref
|  |  |
|  |  += Reporter_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- FeatureInformationSources_assnlist
|     |
|     +- FeatureInformation+
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Feature_assnref
|        |  |
|        |  += Feature_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        +- MismatchInformation_assnlist?  -->
+- ReporterCompositeMap (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
   |- CompositeSequence_assnref  -->
   +- ReporterPositionSources_assnlist
      +- ReporterPosition+ (start?, end?)
         |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |- Reporter_assnref  -->
         +- MismatchInformation_assnlist?  -->

MAGE-ML (identifier, name?)
|- PropertySets_assnlist?
|  |
|  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
|     |
|     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
|- Descriptions_assnlist?
|  |
|  +- Description+ (text?)
|     |
|     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |
|     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|     |
|     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
|     |  |
|     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
|     |     |
|     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |     |
|     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|     |     |
|     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
|     |     |
|     |     |- Security_assnref?
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     +- Performer_assnref?
|     |        |
|     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |
|     |- ExternalReference_assn?
|     |  |
|     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
|     |     |
|     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |
|     |- Annotations_assnlist?
|     |  |
|     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
|     |     |
|     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |     |
|     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
|     |        |
|     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
|     |           |
|     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |           |
|     |           |- Type_assn?
|     |           |  |
|     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
|     |           |
|     |           +- Database_assnref
|     |              |
|     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
|     |  |
|     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
|     |
|     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
|        |
|        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
|           |
|           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|           |
|           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
|           |
|           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|           |
|           |- Security_assnref?  -->
|           |
|           +- Parameters_assnlist
|              |
|              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|- Security_assnref?  -->
|- AuditAndSecurity_package?
|  |
|  |- Contact_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  |- Person (identifier, name?, URI?, address?, phone?, tollFreePhone?, email?, fax?, lastName?, firstName?, midInitials?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Roles_assnlist?
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Affiliation_assnref?
|  |  |     |
|  |  |     += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |  |
|  |  +- Organization (identifier, name?, URI?, address?, phone?, tollFreePhone?, email?, fax?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Roles_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Parent_assn?
|  |        |
|  |        +- Organization (identifier, name?, URI?, address?, phone?, tollFreePhone?, email?, fax?) **
|  |
|  |- SecurityGroup_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- SecurityGroup+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Members_assnreflist
|  |        |
|  |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- Security_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- Security+ (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- Owner_assnref
|        |  |
|        |  |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- ReadGroups_assnreflist?
|        |  |
|        |  += SecurityGroup_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        +- WriteGroups_assnreflist?
|           |
|           += SecurityGroup_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|- Description_package?
|  |
|  +- Database_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- Database+ (identifier, name?, version?, URI?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        +- Contacts_assnreflist?
|           |
|           |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|           |
|           |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|           |
|           += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|= Measurement_package?
|= BQS_package?
|= BioEvent_package?
|- Protocol_package?
|  |
|  |- Hardware_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Hardware+ (identifier, name?, URI?, model?, make?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ParameterTypes_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Parameter+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Unit_assn?
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  |- TimeUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |  |  |
|  |     |     |  |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  |- DistanceUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |  |  |
|  |     |     |  |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  |- TemperatureUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |  |  |
|  |     |     |  |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  |- QuantityUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |  |  |
|  |     |     |  |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  |- MassUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |  |  |
|  |     |     |  |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  |- VolumeUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |  |  |
|  |     |     |  |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  +- ConcentrationUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV)
|  |     |     |     |
|  |     |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- DataType_assn?
|  |     |        |
|  |     |        +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Type_assn?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Softwares_assnreflist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Software_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- HardwareManufacturers_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- Software_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Software+ (identifier, name?, URI?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ParameterTypes_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Type_assn?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Hardware_assnref?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Hardware_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Softwares_assnreflist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- SoftwareManufacturers_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- Protocol_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- Protocol+ (identifier, name?, URI?, text?, title?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- ParameterTypes_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Type_assn?  -->
|        |
|        |- Hardwares_assnreflist?
|        |  |
|        |  += Hardware_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        +- Softwares_assnreflist?  -->
|- BioMaterial_package?
|  |
|  |- Compound_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Compound+ (identifier, name?, isSolvent="false")
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- MerckIndex_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- ComponentCompounds_assnlist?
|  |        |
|  |        +- CompoundMeasurement+
|  |           |
|  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Compound_assnref
|  |           |  |
|  |           |  += Compound_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |           |
|  |           +- Measurement_assn?
|  |              |
|  |              +- Measurement (type="absolute", value, kindCV="other", otherKind?)
|  |                 |
|  |                 |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |                 |
|  |                 +- Unit_assn?  -->
|  |
|  +- BioMaterial_assnlist?
|     |
|     |- BioSource (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- QualityControlStatistics_assnlist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?) -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Characteristics_assnlist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- MaterialType_assn
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Treatments_assnlist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- Treatment+ (identifier, name?, order?)
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- ProtocolApplication+ (activityDate)
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?
|     |  |     |     |  |
|     |  |     |     |  +- ParameterValue+ (value?)
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     +- ParameterType_assnref
|     |  |     |     |        |
|     |  |     |     |        += Parameter_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- HardwareApplications_assnlist?
|     |  |     |     |  |
|     |  |     |     |  +- HardwareApplication+ (serialNumber?)
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     +- Hardware_assnref  -->
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- SoftwareApplications_assnlist?
|     |  |     |     |  |
|     |  |     |     |  +- SoftwareApplication+ (version?, releaseDate?)
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |     +- Software_assnref
|     |  |     |     |        |
|     |  |     |     |        += Software_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     |- Performers_assnreflist?
|     |  |     |     |  |
|     |  |     |     |  += Person_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |     |     |
|     |  |     |     +- Protocol_assnref
|     |  |     |        |
|     |  |     |        += Protocol_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Action_assn
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- ActionMeasurement_assn?
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- Measurement (type="absolute", value, kindCV="other", otherKind?) -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- CompoundMeasurements_assnlist?
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- CompoundMeasurement+  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     +- SourceBioMaterialMeasurements_assnlist?
|     |  |        |
|     |  |        +- BioMaterialMeasurement+
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- BioMaterial_assnref
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  |= BioMaterial_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  |= BioSource_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  |= LabeledExtract_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  += BioSample_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           +- Measurement_assn?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- SourceContact_assnref?
|     |     |
|     |     |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |- LabeledExtract (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- QualityControlStatistics_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Characteristics_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- MaterialType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Treatments_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- Labels_assnreflist
|     |     |
|     |     += Compound_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     +- BioSample (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- QualityControlStatistics_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Characteristics_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- MaterialType_assn  -->
|        |
|        |- Treatments_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        +- Type_assn  -->
|- BioSequence_package?
|  |
|  +- BioSequence_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- BioSequence+ (identifier, name?, length?, isApproximateLength?, isCircular?, sequence?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- SequenceDatabases_assnlist?
|        |  |
|        |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
|        |
|        |- OntologyEntries_assnlist?
|        |  |
|        |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|        |
|        |- PolymerType_assn
|        |  |
|        |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|        |
|        |- Type_assn  -->
|        |
|        |- Species_assn?
|        |  |
|        |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|        |
|        +- SeqFeatures_assnlist?
|           |
|           +- SeqFeature+ (basis)
|              |
|              |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- Security_assnref?  -->
|              |
|              +- Regions_assnlist?
|                 |
|                 +- SeqFeatureLocation+ (strandType)
|                    |
|                    |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|                    |
|                    |- Subregions_assnlist?
|                    |  |
|                    |  +- SeqFeatureLocation+ (strandType) **
|                    |
|                    +- Coordinate_assn
|                       |
|                       |- SequencePosition (start?, end?)
|                       |  |
|                       |  +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|                       |
|                       |- ReporterPosition (start?, end?)
|                       |  |
|                       |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|                       |  |
|                       |  |- Reporter_assnref
|                       |  |  |
|                       |  |  += Reporter_ref (identifier, name?)
|                       |  |
|                       |  +- MismatchInformation_assnlist?
|                       |     |
|                       |     +- MismatchInformation+ (startCoord, newSequence?, replacedLength)
|                       |        |
|                       |        +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|                       |
|                       +- CompositePosition (start?, end?)
|                          |
|                          |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|                          |
|                          |- Composite_assnref
|                          |  |
|                          |  += CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
|                          |
|                          +- MismatchInformation_assnlist?  -->
|- DesignElement_package?
|  |
|  |- CompositeSequence_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- CompositeSequence+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ControlType_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- BiologicalCharacteristics_assnreflist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += BioSequence_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- ReporterCompositeMaps_assnreflist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += ReporterCompositeMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- CompositeCompositeMaps_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        += CompositeCompositeMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- Reporter_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Reporter+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ControlType_assn?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ImmobilizedCharacteristics_assnreflist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += BioSequence_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- WarningType_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- FailTypes_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- FeatureReporterMaps_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        += FeatureReporterMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- CompositeCompositeMap_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- CompositeCompositeMap+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- CompositeSequence_assnref
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- CompositePositionSources_assnlist
|  |        |
|  |        +- CompositePosition+ (start?, end?) -->
|  |
|  |- ReporterCompositeMap_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- ReporterCompositeMap+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- CompositeSequence_assnref  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- ReporterPositionSources_assnlist
|  |        |
|  |        +- ReporterPosition+ (start?, end?) -->
|  |
|  +- FeatureReporterMap_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- FeatureReporterMap+ (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Reporter_assnref  -->
|        |
|        +- FeatureInformationSources_assnlist
|           |
|           +- FeatureInformation+
|              |
|              |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- Feature_assnref
|              |  |
|              |  += Feature_ref (identifier, name?)
|              |
|              +- MismatchInformation_assnlist?  -->
|- ArrayDesign_package?
|  |
|  |- ReporterGroup_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- ReporterGroup+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Types_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Species_assn?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Reporters_assnreflist
|  |        |
|  |        += Reporter_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- CompositeGroup_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- CompositeGroup+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Types_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Species_assn?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- CompositeSequences_assnreflist
|  |        |
|  |        += CompositeSequence_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- ArrayDesign_assnlist?
|     |
|     |- ArrayDesign (identifier, name?, version?, numberOfFeatures?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- FeatureGroups_assnlist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- FeatureGroup+ (identifier, name?, featureWidth?, featureLength?, featureHeight?)
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Types_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Species_assn?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- TechnologyType_assn?
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- FeatureShape_assn?
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- DistanceUnit_assn?
|     |  |     |  |
|     |  |     |  +- DistanceUnit (unitName?, unitNameCV) -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     +- Features_assnlist
|     |  |        |
|     |  |        +- Feature+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- ControlType_assn?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- ControlFeatures_assnreflist?
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  += Feature_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- ControlledFeatures_assnreflist?
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  += Feature_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- Position_assn?
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  +- Position (x, y)
|     |  |           |     |
|     |  |           |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |           |     |
|     |  |           |     +- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- Zone_assnref?
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  += Zone_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           +- FeatureLocation_assn?
|     |  |              |
|     |  |              += FeatureLocation (row, column)
|     |  |
|     |  |- ReporterGroups_assnreflist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  += ReporterGroup_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- CompositeGroups_assnreflist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  += CompositeGroup_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  +- DesignProviders_assnreflist?
|     |     |
|     |     |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     +- PhysicalArrayDesign (identifier, name?, version?, numberOfFeatures?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- FeatureGroups_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- ReporterGroups_assnreflist?  -->
|        |
|        |- CompositeGroups_assnreflist?  -->
|        |
|        |- DesignProviders_assnreflist?  -->
|        |
|        |- SurfaceType_assn?
|        |  |
|        |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|        |
|        +- ZoneGroups_assnlist?
|           |
|           +- ZoneGroup+ (spacingsBetweenZonesX?, spacingsBetweenZonesY?, zonesPerX?, zonesPerY?)
|              |
|              |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|              |
|              |- ZoneLayout_assn?
|              |  |
|              |  +- ZoneLayout (numFeaturesPerRow?, numFeaturesPerCol?, spacingBetweenRows?, spacingBetweenCols?)
|              |     |
|              |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |     |
|              |     +- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|              |
|              +- ZoneLocations_assnlist?
|                 |
|                 +- Zone+ (identifier, name?, row?, column?, upperLeftX?, upperLeftY?, lowerRightX?, lowerRightY?)
|                    |
|                    |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|                    |
|                    |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|                    |
|                    |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|                    |
|                    |- Security_assnref?  -->
|                    |
|                    +- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|- Array_package?
|  |
|  |- ArrayGroup_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- ArrayGroup+ (identifier, name?, barcode?, arraySpacingX?, arraySpacingY?, numArrays?, orientationMark?, orientationMarkPosition?, width?, length?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Fiducials_assnlist?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Fiducial+
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- FiducialType_assn?
|  |     |     |  |
|  |     |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     +- Position_assn  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Arrays_assnreflist
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Array_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- SubstrateType_assn?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|  |
|  |- Array_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Array+ (identifier, name?, arrayIdentifier?, arrayXOrigin?, arrayYOrigin?, originRelativeTo?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ArrayDesign_assnref
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |= ArrayDesign_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |= ArrayDesign_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += PhysicalArrayDesign_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Information_assnref
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += ArrayManufacture_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- ArrayGroup_assnref?
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += ArrayGroup_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- ArrayManufactureDeviations_assnlist?
|  |        |
|  |        +- ArrayManufactureDeviation+
|  |           |
|  |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |
|  |           |- Adjustments_assnlist?
|  |           |  |
|  |           |  +- ZoneDefect+
|  |           |     |
|  |           |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |     |
|  |           |     |- DefectType_assn
|  |           |     |  |
|  |           |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|  |           |     |
|  |           |     |- PositionDelta_assn?
|  |           |     |  |
|  |           |     |  +- PositionDelta (deltaX, deltaY)
|  |           |     |     |
|  |           |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |           |     |     |
|  |           |     |     +- DistanceUnit_assn?  -->
|  |           |     |
|  |           |     +- Zone_assnref  -->
|  |           |
|  |           +- FeatureDefects_assnlist?
|  |              |
|  |              +- FeatureDefect+
|  |                 |
|  |                 |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |                 |
|  |                 |- DefectType_assn  -->
|  |                 |
|  |                 |- PositionDelta_assn?  -->
|  |                 |
|  |                 +- Feature_assnref  -->
|  |
|  +- ArrayManufacture_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- ArrayManufacture+ (identifier, name?, manufacturingDate?, tolerance?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- Arrays_assnreflist  -->
|        |
|        |- ArrayManufacturers_assnreflist?
|        |  |
|        |  |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- QualityControlStatistics_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- FeatureLIMSs_assnlist?
|        |  |
|        |  |- ManufactureLIMS (quality?)
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Feature_assnref  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- BioMaterial_assnref?  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  +- IdentifierLIMS_assn?
|        |  |     |
|        |  |     +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- ManufactureLIMSBiomaterial (quality?, bioMaterialPlateIdentifier?, bioMaterialPlateRow?, bioMaterialPlateCol?)
|        |     |
|        |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- Feature_assnref  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- BioMaterial_assnref?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     +- IdentifierLIMS_assn?  -->
|        |
|        +- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|- BioAssay_package?
|  |
|  |- Channel_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- Channel+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Labels_assnreflist?  -->
|  |
|  +- BioAssay_assnlist?
|     |
|     |- PhysicalBioAssay (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channels_assnreflist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  += Channel_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- BioAssayFactorValues_assnreflist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  += FactorValue_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PhysicalBioAssayData_assnlist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- Image+ (identifier, name?, URI?)
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Channels_assnreflist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     +- Format_assn
|     |  |        |
|     |  |        +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- BioAssayCreation_assn?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  |- BioAssayCreation (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- SourceBioMaterialMeasurements_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  +- Array_assnref
|     |  |  |     |
|     |  |  |     += Array_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- Hybridization (identifier, name?)
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- SourceBioMaterialMeasurements_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     +- Array_assnref  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- BioAssayTreatments_assnlist?
|     |     |
|     |     |- BioAssayTreatment (identifier, name?)
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|     |     |  |
|     |     |  +- Target_assnref
|     |     |     |
|     |     |     += PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     +- ImageAcquisition (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- Target_assnref  -->
|     |        |
|     |        +- Images_assnreflist?
|     |           |
|     |           += Image_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |- DerivedBioAssay (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channels_assnreflist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- BioAssayFactorValues_assnreflist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Type_assn?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- DerivedBioAssayData_assnreflist?
|     |     |
|     |     += DerivedBioAssayData_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     +- MeasuredBioAssay (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- Channels_assnreflist?  -->
|        |
|        |- BioAssayFactorValues_assnreflist?  -->
|        |
|        |- FeatureExtraction_assn?
|        |  |
|        |  +- FeatureExtraction (identifier, name?)
|        |     |
|        |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|        |     |
|        |     +- PhysicalBioAssaySource_assnref
|        |        |
|        |        += PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        +- MeasuredBioAssayData_assnreflist?
|           |
|           += MeasuredBioAssayData_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|- QuantitationType_package?
|  |
|  +- QuantitationType_assnlist?
|     |
|     |- SpecializedQuantitationType (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  += Channel_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?
|     |     |
|     |     |= ConfidenceIndicator_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     += ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |- DerivedSignal (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|     |
|     |- MeasuredSignal (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|     |
|     |- Error (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- TargetQuantitationType_assnref
|     |     |
|     |     |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |     |
|     |     += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     |- PValue (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- TargetQuantitationType_assnref  -->
|     |
|     |- ExpectedValue (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- TargetQuantitationType_assnref  -->
|     |
|     |- Ratio (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Scale_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- DataType_assn  -->
|     |  |
|     |  +- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|     |
|     +- PresentAbsent (identifier, name?, isBackground)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- Channel_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- Scale_assn  -->
|        |
|        |- DataType_assn  -->
|        |
|        +- ConfidenceIndicators_assnreflist?  -->
|- BioAssayData_package?
|  |
|  |- BioAssayDimension_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- BioAssayDimension+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- BioAssays_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        |= BioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- DesignElementDimension_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  |- CompositeSequenceDimension (identifier, name?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- CompositeSequences_assnreflist?  -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- ReporterDimension (identifier, name?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Reporters_assnreflist?  -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- FeatureDimension (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- ContainedFeatures_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        += Feature_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- QuantitationTypeDimension+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- QuantitationTypes_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- BioAssayMap_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- BioAssayMap+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- BioAssayMapTarget_assnref
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- SourceBioAssays_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        |= BioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  |- QuantitationTypeMap_assnlist?
|  |  |
|  |  +- QuantitationTypeMap+ (identifier, name?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- TargetQuantitationType_assnref  -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- SourcesQuantitationType_assnreflist?
|  |        |
|  |        |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |        |
|  |        += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
|  |
|  +- BioAssayData_assnlist?
|     |
|     |- DerivedBioAssayData (identifier, name?)
|     |  |
|     |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- SummaryStatistics_assnlist?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?) -->
|     |  |
|     |  |- BioDataValues_assn?
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  |- BioDataCube
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  += BioAssayDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  |= DesignElementDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  |= CompositeSequenceDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  |= ReporterDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  += FeatureDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  += QuantitationTypeDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |- DataInternal_assn
|     |  |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  |  +- DataInternal
|     |  |  |  |
|     |  |  |  +- DataExternal_assn
|     |  |  |     |
|     |  |  |     += DataExternal (dataFormat="whitespace", dataFormatInfoURI?, filenameURI)
|     |  |  |
|     |  |  +- BioDataTuples
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- BioAssayDimension_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- DesignElementDimension_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref?  -->
|     |  |     |
|     |  |     +- BioAssayTuples_assnlist?
|     |  |        |
|     |  |        +- BioAssayTuple+
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           |- BioAssay_assnref
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  |= BioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  |= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  |= DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |  |
|     |  |           |  += MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |           |
|     |  |           +- DesignElementTuples_assnlist
|     |  |              |
|     |  |              +- DesignElementTuple+
|     |  |                 |
|     |  |                 |- DesignElement_assnref
|     |  |                 |  |
|     |  |                 |  |= DesignElement_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                 |  |
|     |  |                 |  |= Reporter_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                 |  |
|     |  |                 |  |= CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                 |  |
|     |  |                 |  += Feature_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                 |
|     |  |                 +- QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist
|     |  |                    |
|     |  |                    +- QuantitationTypeTuple+
|     |  |                       |
|     |  |                       |- QuantitationType_assnref
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |  |
|     |  |                       |  += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |  |                       |
|     |  |                       +- Datum_assn
|     |  |                          |
|     |  |                          += Datum (value)
|     |  |
|     |  +- ProducerTransformation_assn?
|     |     |
|     |     +- Transformation (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |
|     |        |- BioAssayDataSources_assnreflist?
|     |        |  |
|     |        |  |= BioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |  |
|     |        |  |= DerivedBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |  |
|     |        |  += MeasuredBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        |- QuantitationTypeMapping_assn?
|     |        |  |
|     |        |  +- QuantitationTypeMapping
|     |        |     |
|     |        |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |     |
|     |        |     +- QuantitationTypeMaps_assnreflist
|     |        |        |
|     |        |        += QuantitationTypeMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        |- DesignElementMapping_assn?
|     |        |  |
|     |        |  +- DesignElementMapping
|     |        |     |
|     |        |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |        |     |
|     |        |     +- DesignElementMaps_assnreflist
|     |        |        |
|     |        |        |= DesignElementMap_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |        |
|     |        |        |= CompositeCompositeMap_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |        |
|     |        |        |= FeatureReporterMap_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |        |
|     |        |        += ReporterCompositeMap_ref (identifier, name?)
|     |        |
|     |        +- BioAssayMapping_assn?
|     |           |
|     |           +- BioAssayMapping
|     |              |
|     |              |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|     |              |
|     |              +- BioAssayMaps_assnreflist
|     |                 |
|     |                 += BioAssayMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|     |
|     +- MeasuredBioAssayData (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- SummaryStatistics_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        +- BioDataValues_assn?  -->
|- Experiment_package?
|  |
|  +- Experiment_assnlist?
|     |
|     +- Experiment+ (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|        |
|        |- Security_assnref?  -->
|        |
|        |- Providers_assnreflist?
|        |  |
|        |  |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- AnalysisResults_assnreflist?
|        |  |
|        |  += BioAssayDataCluster_ref+ (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- BioAssayData_assnreflist?
|        |  |
|        |  |= BioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= DerivedBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |  |
|        |  += MeasuredBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
|        |
|        |- BioAssays_assnreflist?  -->
|        |
|        +- ExperimentDesign_assn
|           |
|           +- ExperimentDesign
|              |
|              |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- Security_assnref?  -->
|              |
|              |- Types_assnlist?  -->
|              |
|              |- TopLevelBioAssays_assnreflist?
|              |  |
|              |  |= BioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|              |  |
|              |  |= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|              |  |
|              |  |= DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|              |  |
|              |  += MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
|              |
|              |- ExperimentalFactors_assnlist?
|              |  |
|              |  +- ExperimentalFactor+ (identifier, name?)
|              |     |
|              |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |     |
|              |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|              |     |
|              |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|              |     |
|              |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
|              |     |
|              |     |- Category_assn?
|              |     |  |
|              |     |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) -->
|              |     |
|              |     +- FactorValues_assnlist?
|              |        |
|              |        +- FactorValue+ (identifier, name?)
|              |           |
|              |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
|              |           |
|              |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
|              |           |
|              |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
|              |           |
|              |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
|              |           |
|              |           +- Measurement_assn  -->
|              |
|              |- QualityControlDescription_assn?
|              |  |
|              |  +- Description (text?) -->
|              |
|              |- NormalizationDescription_assn?
|              |  |
|              |  +- Description (text?) -->
|              |
|              +- ReplicateDescription_assn?
|                 |
|                 +- Description (text?) -->
+- HigherLevelAnalysis_package?
   +- BioAssayDataCluster_assnlist?
      +- BioAssayDataCluster+ (identifier, name?)
         |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
         |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
         |- Security_assnref?  -->
         |- ClusterBioAssayData_assnref?
         |  |
         |  |= BioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
         |  |
         |  |= DerivedBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
         |  |
         |  += MeasuredBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
         +- Nodes_assnlist
            +- Node+
               |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
               |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
               |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
               |- Security_assnref?  -->
               |- Nodes_assnlist?  **
               |- NodeContents_assnlist?
               |  |
               |  +- NodeContents+
               |     |
               |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
               |     |
               |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
               |     |
               |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
               |     |
               |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
               |     |
               |     |- BioAssayDimension_assnref?  -->
               |     |
               |     |- DesignElementDimension_assnref?  -->
               |     |
               |     +- QuantitationDimension_assnref?
               |        |
               |        += QuantitationTypeDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
               +- NodeValue_assnlist?
                  +- NodeValue+ (name?, value)
                     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
                     |- Type_assn  -->
                     |- Scale_assn?  -->
                     +- DataType_assn?  -->

+- Person+ (identifier, name?, URI?, address?, phone?, tollFreePhone?, email?, fax?, lastName?, firstName?, midInitials?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
   |     |
   |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Description+ (text?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
   |     |        |
   |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- Type_assn?
   |     |           |  |
   |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
   |     |           |
   |     |           +- Database_assnref
   |     |              |
   |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
   |     |
   |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
   |           |
   |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |           |
   |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |           |
   |           +- Parameters_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- Roles_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   +- Affiliation_assnref?
      += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)

+- DerivedBioAssay+ (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
   |     |
   |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Description+ (text?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
   |     |        |
   |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- Type_assn?
   |     |           |  |
   |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
   |     |           |
   |     |           +- Database_assnref
   |     |              |
   |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
   |     |
   |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
   |           |
   |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |           |
   |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |           |
   |           +- Parameters_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- Channels_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += Channel_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- BioAssayFactorValues_assnreflist?
   |  |
   |  += FactorValue_ref+ (identifier, name?)
   |- Type_assn?  -->
   +- DerivedBioAssayData_assnreflist?
      += DerivedBioAssayData_ref+ (identifier, name?)

+- MeasuredBioAssayData+ (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
   |     |
   |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Description+ (text?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
   |     |        |
   |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- Type_assn?
   |     |           |  |
   |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
   |     |           |
   |     |           +- Database_assnref
   |     |              |
   |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
   |     |
   |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
   |           |
   |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |           |
   |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |           |
   |           +- Parameters_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- SummaryStatistics_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?) -->
   +- BioDataValues_assn?
      |- BioDataCube
      |  |
      |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
      |  |
      |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref
      |  |  |
      |  |  += BioAssayDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
      |  |
      |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= DesignElementDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= CompositeSequenceDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= ReporterDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  += FeatureDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
      |  |
      |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref
      |  |  |
      |  |  += QuantitationTypeDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
      |  |
      |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
      |  |
      |  |- DataInternal_assn
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- DataInternal
      |  |
      |  +- DataExternal_assn
      |     |
      |     += DataExternal (dataFormat="whitespace", dataFormatInfoURI?, filenameURI)
      +- BioDataTuples
         |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |- BioAssayDimension_assnref?  -->
         |- DesignElementDimension_assnref?  -->
         |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref?  -->
         +- BioAssayTuples_assnlist?
            +- BioAssayTuple+
               |- BioAssay_assnref
               |  |
               |  |= BioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
               |  |
               |  |= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
               |  |
               |  |= DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
               |  |
               |  += MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
               +- DesignElementTuples_assnlist
                  +- DesignElementTuple+
                     |- DesignElement_assnref
                     |  |
                     |  |= DesignElement_ref (identifier, name?)
                     |  |
                     |  |= Reporter_ref (identifier, name?)
                     |  |
                     |  |= CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
                     |  |
                     |  += Feature_ref (identifier, name?)
                     +- QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist
                        +- QuantitationTypeTuple+
                           |- QuantitationType_assnref
                           |  |
                           |  |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
                           |  |
                           |  += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
                           +- Datum_assn
                              += Datum (value)

+- DerivedBioAssayData+ (identifier, name?)
   |- PropertySets_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?)
   |     |
   |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  **
   |- Descriptions_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- Description+ (text?)
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |
   |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- Audit+ (date, action)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  **
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- Security_assnref?
   |     |     |  |
   |     |     |  += Security_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- Performer_assnref?
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Contact_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        |= Person_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |        |
   |     |        += Organization_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- ExternalReference_assn?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- ExternalReference (exportedFromServer?, exportedFromDB?, exportID?, exportName?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- Annotations_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?)
   |     |     |
   |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |     |
   |     |     +- OntologyReference_assn?
   |     |        |
   |     |        +- DatabaseEntry (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?)
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |           |
   |     |           |- Type_assn?
   |     |           |  |
   |     |           |  +- OntologyEntry (category, value, description?) **
   |     |           |
   |     |           +- Database_assnref
   |     |              |
   |     |              += Database_ref (identifier, name?)
   |     |
   |     |- DatabaseReferences_assnlist?
   |     |  |
   |     |  +- DatabaseEntry+ (accession, accessionVersion?, URI?) -->
   |     |
   |     +- BibliographicReferences_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BibliographicReference+ (title?, authors?, publication?, publisher?, editor?, year?, volume?, issue?, pages?, URI?)
   |           |
   |           |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Descriptions_assnlist?  **
   |           |
   |           |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |           |
   |           |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |           |
   |           +- Parameters_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- OntologyEntry+ (category, value, description?) -->
   |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
   |- Security_assnref?  -->
   |- SummaryStatistics_assnlist?
   |  |
   |  +- NameValueType+ (name?, value?, type?) -->
   |- BioDataValues_assn?
   |  |
   |  |- BioDataCube
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  += BioAssayDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |= DesignElementDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |= CompositeSequenceDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |= ReporterDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  += FeatureDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  += QuantitationTypeDimension_ref (identifier, name?)
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- DesignElementDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- BioAssayDimension_assnref  -->
   |  |  |
   |  |  |- DataInternal_assn
   |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  +- DataInternal
   |  |  |
   |  |  +- DataExternal_assn
   |  |     |
   |  |     += DataExternal (dataFormat="whitespace", dataFormatInfoURI?, filenameURI)
   |  |
   |  +- BioDataTuples
   |     |
   |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- BioAssayDimension_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- DesignElementDimension_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     |- QuantitationTypeDimension_assnref?  -->
   |     |
   |     +- BioAssayTuples_assnlist?
   |        |
   |        +- BioAssayTuple+
   |           |
   |           |- BioAssay_assnref
   |           |  |
   |           |  |= BioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
   |           |  |
   |           |  |= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
   |           |  |
   |           |  |= DerivedBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
   |           |  |
   |           |  += MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
   |           |
   |           +- DesignElementTuples_assnlist
   |              |
   |              +- DesignElementTuple+
   |                 |
   |                 |- DesignElement_assnref
   |                 |  |
   |                 |  |= DesignElement_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                 |  |
   |                 |  |= Reporter_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                 |  |
   |                 |  |= CompositeSequence_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                 |  |
   |                 |  += Feature_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                 |
   |                 +- QuantitationTypeTuples_assnlist
   |                    |
   |                    +- QuantitationTypeTuple+
   |                       |
   |                       |- QuantitationType_assnref
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= QuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= SpecializedQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= DerivedSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= MeasuredSignal_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= Error_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= PValue_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= ExpectedValue_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  |= Ratio_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |  |
   |                       |  += PresentAbsent_ref (identifier, name?)
   |                       |
   |                       +- Datum_assn
   |                          |
   |                          += Datum (value)
   +- ProducerTransformation_assn?
      +- Transformation (identifier, name?)
         |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
         |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
         |- Security_assnref?  -->
         |- ProtocolApplications_assnlist?
         |  |
         |  +- ProtocolApplication+ (activityDate)
         |     |
         |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |     |
         |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
         |     |
         |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
         |     |
         |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
         |     |
         |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?
         |     |  |
         |     |  +- ParameterValue+ (value?)
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     +- ParameterType_assnref
         |     |        |
         |     |        += Parameter_ref (identifier, name?)
         |     |
         |     |- HardwareApplications_assnlist?
         |     |  |
         |     |  +- HardwareApplication+ (serialNumber?)
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     +- Hardware_assnref
         |     |        |
         |     |        += Hardware_ref (identifier, name?)
         |     |
         |     |- SoftwareApplications_assnlist?
         |     |  |
         |     |  +- SoftwareApplication+ (version?, releaseDate?)
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- Descriptions_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- AuditTrail_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- Security_assnref?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     |- ParameterValues_assnlist?  -->
         |     |     |
         |     |     +- Software_assnref
         |     |        |
         |     |        += Software_ref (identifier, name?)
         |     |
         |     |- Performers_assnreflist?
         |     |  |
         |     |  += Person_ref+ (identifier, name?)
         |     |
         |     +- Protocol_assnref
         |        |
         |        += Protocol_ref (identifier, name?)
         |- BioAssayDataSources_assnreflist?
         |  |
         |  |= BioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
         |  |
         |  |= DerivedBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
         |  |
         |  += MeasuredBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)
         |- QuantitationTypeMapping_assn?
         |  |
         |  +- QuantitationTypeMapping
         |     |
         |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |     |
         |     +- QuantitationTypeMaps_assnreflist
         |        |
         |        += QuantitationTypeMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)
         |- DesignElementMapping_assn?
         |  |
         |  +- DesignElementMapping
         |     |
         |     |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
         |     |
         |     +- DesignElementMaps_assnreflist
         |        |
         |        |= DesignElementMap_ref (identifier, name?)
         |        |
         |        |= CompositeCompositeMap_ref (identifier, name?)
         |        |
         |        |= FeatureReporterMap_ref (identifier, name?)
         |        |
         |        += ReporterCompositeMap_ref (identifier, name?)
         +- BioAssayMapping_assn?
            +- BioAssayMapping
               |- PropertySets_assnlist?  -->
               +- BioAssayMaps_assnreflist
                  += BioAssayMap_ref+ (identifier, name?)

Tree representation of the Protein Sequence Database Markup Language DTD - generated using Matra 0.8.2b (http://matra.sourceforge.net/)

How to read the above tree?

Please check the article How to read the DTD Tree to learn how to read the above dtd tree generated by the Matra DTD Parser.

Notes on the above tree

This dtd uses the Multi Root Document Types design pattern. This is apparent from the dtdtree generated - as we find ten potential root elements -


On examining the above tree, we find a few orphan trees and one orphan-element.

StandardQuantitationType_ref (identifier, name?)

+= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)

+= ExperimentalFactor_ref (identifier, name?)

+= FeatureGroup_ref (identifier, name?)

+= PhysicalBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)

+= DerivedBioAssayData_ref (identifier, name?)

+= MeasuredBioAssay_ref (identifier, name?)
The orphan-element StandardQuantitationType_ref does not have any content model and is not included in the content model of any other element-types. In other words, This element type does not have any parent element types and nor does it have any child element types. The obvious conclusion is that StandardQuantitationType_ref was missed out (which is not very uncommon in large dtds). It should either be removed from the dtd or it should be added to the content model of another element type.

The other orphan-trees have too short a structure. Though xml documents could potentially be formed with two element types, typically xml documents tend to be more structured and have more than two element types. Due to this, I find the above structures suspicious and I feel that they should fit into one of the other dtdtrees.

About Microarray Gene Expression Markup Language

Microarray Gene Expression Markup Language (MAGE-ML) is a language designed to describe and communicate information about microarray based experiments.

You can find more information on MAGE-ML at the MAGE Home Page.

About Matra

Matra is a java based XML DTD parser utility. It is available from http://matra.sourceforge.net. It is freely available under the open-source MPL 1.1 license.