DTD Tree structure of the Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language generated using Matra

DTD Name: The Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language (BSML) DTD
DTD Location: http://www.labbook.com/dtd/bsml3_1.dtd [cached copy]
DTD Issue Date: June 12, 2002
DTD Version: 3.1

DTD-Tree [How to read it?]

|= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|- Info* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?)
|  |
|  += Attribute (name, content?, type?)
|- Resource* (id?, title?, url?)
|  |
|  |= Attribute (name, content?, type?)
|  |
|  |- Coverage (name?, description?)
|  |
|  |- Description
|  |  |
|  |  |- Log-entry (id?, event?, event-time?, url?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Measure
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Measure-quantity
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Measure-units?
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Measure-range (range-type="between-inclusive")
|  |  |     |
|  |  |     +- Measure+  -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Measure  -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Measure-range (range-type="between-inclusive") -->
|  |  |
|  |  += Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |
|  |- Type
|  |
|  |- Relation (type?, url?)
|  |
|  |- Source (name?, description?, url?)
|  |
|  |- Subject (name?, description?, url?)
|  |
|  |- Title
|  |
|  |- Contributor
|  |  |
|  |  |- Person (fullname?, lastname?, firstname?, middlename?, title?, department?, url?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Contact-info? (telephone-number?, cellular-number?, fax-number?, pager-number?, department?, url?)
|  |  |     |
|  |  |     += Postal-address? (building-address1?, building-address2?, street-address1?, street-address2?, city?, state-province?, country?, postal-code?, utc-time-zone?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Organization (name, description?, department?, url?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Contact-info? (telephone-number?, cellular-number?, fax-number?, pager-number?, department?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Person* (fullname?, lastname?, firstname?, middlename?, title?, department?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Software-system (name, description?, url?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Contact-info? (telephone-number?, cellular-number?, fax-number?, pager-number?, department?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Person* (fullname?, lastname?, firstname?, middlename?, title?, department?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Organization* (name, description?, department?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Version* (title?, description?, full-version?, major-version?, minor-version?, url?)
|  |        |
|  |        |- Organization? (name, description?, department?, url?) -->
|  |        |
|  |        += Date? (datetime, role?, other?)
|  |
|  |- Creator
|  |  |
|  |  |- Person (fullname?, lastname?, firstname?, middlename?, title?, department?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Organization (name, description?, department?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Software-system (name, description?, url?) -->
|  |
|  |- Publisher
|  |  |
|  |  |- Person (fullname?, lastname?, firstname?, middlename?, title?, department?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Organization (name, description?, department?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Software-system (name, description?, url?) -->
|  |
|  |- Rights (name?, description?, url?)
|  |
|  |= Date (datetime, role?, other?)
|  |
|  |- Format (extent?, medium?)
|  |
|  |- Identifier (context?, refid?, url?)
|  |
|  |- Language (name?, description?, url?)
|  |
|  |- Content (id?, name?, description?, content-type?, role?)
|  |
|  |- Version (title?, description?, full-version?, major-version?, minor-version?, url?) -->
|  |
|  |- History (id?, title?, description?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  +- History-event* (id?, title?, description?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Date? (datetime, role?, other?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Contributor*  -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- History-event-description?
|  |     |
|  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Attribute (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |= Locator (id?, xml-link=="LOCATOR", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |        |
|  |        += Document-link (id?, xml-link=="DOCUMENT", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, mime-type?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |
|  |- Authority (id?, title?, description?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Authority-url* (id?, title?, description?, type?, other-type?, content-type?, url)
|  |  |
|  |  += Authority-domain* (title?, description?, element-name, attribute-name, class-names?)
|  |
|  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |
|  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |
|  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |
|  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|- Definitions?
|  |
|  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |
|  |- Genomes?
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Genome* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, autosomal-chromosome-count?, sex-chromosome-count?, ploidy-count?, distinct-chromosome-count?, total-chromosome-count?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Description?  -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Strain* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Description?  -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Description?  -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Description?  -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Chromosome* (id?, name?, number?, length?, circular?, autosomal?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cytoband* (id?, band-name?, major-band?, minor-band?, band-color?, band-type?, band-start-pos?, band-end-pos?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Seq-data-import? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, format?, source?, identifier?, encrypted?, start-pos?, length?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     += Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extrachromosomal-sequence* (id?, type?, name?, number?, length?, circular?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cytoband* (id?, band-name?, major-band?, minor-band?, band-color?, band-type?, band-start-pos?, band-end-pos?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Seq-data-import? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, format?, source?, identifier?, encrypted?, start-pos?, length?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  |- Sequences? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Sequence (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, locus?, ic-acckey?, local-acckey?, db-source?, length?, end5hang5?, end3hang5?, end5phos?, end3phos?, genomeref?, trans-table?, segmenttype="sequence", dnatype?, representation="raw", molecule="dna", topology="linear", strand?, refs?, alignment-sequence?, alignment-position?, alignment-inverted?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Feature-tables? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Feature-table (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, feature-count?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Reference (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, dbxref?, refs?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- RefAuthors?
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- RefTitle?
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- RefJournal?
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Feature (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, display-auto?, auto-view?, refs?, join?, group-type?, segment-ref?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Site-loc (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, sitepos, fuzzypos?, complement="0", strand-unknown="0")
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Interval-loc (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, startpos, fuzzystart?, endpos, fuzzyend?, startopen="0", endopen="0", onepos="0", complement="0", strand-unknown="0", segment-ref?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Qualifier (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Digest-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, fragments?, units?, start-pos?, end-pos?, min-cuts?, max-cuts?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Restriction-enzyme* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, source?, recognition-seq?, offset="0", overhang="0", sites?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Feature-group (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, group-set?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |- Feature-group-member* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featref, feature-type?, group-type?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Seq-data
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Seq-data-import (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, format?, source?, identifier?, encrypted?, start-pos?, length?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Numbering? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, use-numbering?, type?, units?, a?, b?, dec-places?, refnum?, has-zero?, ascending?, names?, from-aligns?, aligns?, seqref?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Modification* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, position, change, source?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Segment* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seg-source-type?, seg-source?, seg-id?, seg-url?, seg-role?, seg-start?, seg-end?, seg-on-complement?, seg-translated?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Sequence-import (type=="bsml", source, id?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Segment-set* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seg-set-type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Segment+ (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seg-source-type?, seg-source?, seg-id?, seg-url?, seg-role?, seg-start?, seg-end?, seg-on-complement?, seg-translated?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  |- Isoforms?
|  |  |
|  |  |- Isoform-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Isoform* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqref?, phenoref?, url?, location?, change?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Case-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Case* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, sex?, propositus?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Isoform* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqref?, phenoref?, url?, location?, change?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Life-event* (life-event-type, year, month?, day?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Genotype-set* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, population?, source?, frequency-total?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Genotype* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, homozygous?, recessive?, sex-linked?, phenoref?, affected?, population?, source?, frequency-total?)
|  |  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |  += Haplotype* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, frequency?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Phenotype-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, population?, source?, frequency-total?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Phenotype* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, frequency?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Genotype-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, population?, source?, frequency-total?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Pedigree-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Pedigree* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Mating* (maleref, femaleref, consanguinal?)
|  |     |  |  |
|  |     |  |  |= Life-event? (life-event-type, year, month?, day?)
|  |     |  |  |
|  |     |  |  +- Children?
|  |     |  |     |
|  |     |  |     +- Case* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, sex?, propositus?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  |- Sets? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Set* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idrefs, refs?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= List-member* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, source?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  |- Tables? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  |- Table (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, summary?, width?, border?, frame?, rules?, cellspacing?, cellpadding?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Caption? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Col* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, repeat="1", width?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Colgroup* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, span="1", width?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  += Col (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, repeat="1", width?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Thead? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Tr (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     |- Th (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, abbr?, axis?, headers?, scope?, width?, rowspan="1", colspan="1", align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     +- Td (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, abbr?, axis?, headers?, scope?, width?, rowspan="1", colspan="1", align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Tfoot? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Tr (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Tbody+ (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?)
|  |  |     |
|  |  |     +- Tr (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, align?, char?, charoff?, valign?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Motif-table (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, display-height?, display-gap?, point-width?, title-width?, value-width?, values-as-color?, value-scale?, global-length?, refs?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Numbering? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, use-numbering?, type?, units?, a?, b?, dec-places?, refnum?, has-zero?, ascending?, names?, from-aligns?, aligns?, seqref?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Interval-loc* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, startpos, fuzzystart?, endpos, fuzzyend?, startopen="0", endopen="0", onepos="0", complement="0", strand-unknown="0", segment-ref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Motif-element* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, display-auto?, border-color?, fill-fg-color?, fill-bg-color?, fill-pattern?, column-width?, show-values?, show-titles?, show-no-position?, state-names?, value-scale?, value-min?, value-max?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Sequence-motif* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, display-auto?, auto-view?, seqref, alignment?, startpos?, endpos?, refs?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Interval-loc* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, startpos, fuzzystart?, endpos, fuzzyend?, startopen="0", endopen="0", onepos="0", complement="0", strand-unknown="0", segment-ref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Motif-data* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, one-element="0", positions, widths?, strands?, titles?, values?, markers?, overhangs?, refs?)
|  |  |  |     |
|  |  |  |     +- Motif-data* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, one-element="0", positions, widths?, strands?, titles?, values?, markers?, overhangs?, refs?) **
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Sequence-search-table (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, search-type?, url?, analysis-title?, analysisref?, queryseqref?, query-start?, query-length?, on-complement?, translated?, frames?, trans-table?, query-data?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Sequence-search-output?
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Multiple-alignment-table (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, molecule-type)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= CLUSTAL-parameters? (version?, method?, output?, outorder?, ktuple?, window?, score?, topdiags?, pairgap?, matrix?, gapopen?, endgaps?, gapext?, gapdist?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Alignment-summary? (seq-type, seq-format)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  += Aligned-sequence* (seqref?, start?, on-complement?, translated?, frame?, trans-table?, seqnum, name, length)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Pairwise-alignments?
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  += Aligned-pair* (seqnum1, seqnum2, score)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Aligned-groups? (groups)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Aligned-group* (group, total-seq, group-score)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  += Total-alignment (align-score)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Sequence-alignment* (sequences)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Sequence-data* (seq-name)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Alignment-consensus
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Seq-pair-alignment (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, reftype?, refsource?, refseq, refxref?, refcaption?, refstart?, refend?, reflength?, comptype?, compsource?, compseq?, compxref?, compcaption?, compstart?, compend?, complength?, method?, runminscore?, runmaxscore?, totalscore?, refs?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Seq-pair-run* (id?, translated?, runlength, comprunlength?, refpos, refcomplement?, refdata?, comppos, compcomplement?, compdata?, runscore?, runprob?, alignment?, refs?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- Alignment-point-set (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqids, featids, captions?, consensus?, numseg?, starts?, strands?, seglens?, refs?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Numbering? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, use-numbering?, type?, units?, a?, b?, dec-places?, refnum?, has-zero?, ascending?, names?, from-aligns?, aligns?, seqref?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  |- PCR-primer-table
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- PCR-primer* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqref?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  |= Primer-sequence* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, primer-left, start, length, seq, tm?, gc-percent?, any?, three-end?)
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  += PCR-product? (product-size, pair-any-compl?, pair-3-compl?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= PCR-summary? (seq-size, include-region-size)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- PCR-statistical-analysis?
|  |  |  |  |
|  |  |  |  += PCR-statistics+ (statistics-left, considered?, too-many-ns?, in-target?, in-excl-reg?, bad-gc-percent?, no-gc-clamp?, tm-too-low?, tm-too-high?, high-any-compl?, high-3-compl?, poly-x?, high-end-stab?, ok?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |  |
|  |  +- Table-import (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, format?, read-field-desc?, column-numbers?, column-headers?, column-starts?, column-widths?, header-count?, display-widths?, alignments?, font?, add-row-numbers?, locked-columns?, source, refs?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Table-data* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  +- Networks?
|     |
|     +- Network* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, directed?, weighted?, allow-multiple-arcs?)
|        |
|        |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |
|        |- Node* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, node-type?, level?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Arc* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, arc-type?, sourcenode, destnode, weight?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |= Network-selection-set* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, node-default-selection-state, nodes-on?, nodes-off?, nodes-gray?, arc-default-selection-state, arcs-on, arcs-off, arcs-gray?, use-node-display-levels?, initial-node-display-level?, show-node-selection-state?, show-node-expansion-state?, set-connector-width-from-weight?, min-weight?, max-weight?, min-width?, max-width?)
|        |
|        |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |
|        |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |
|        |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |
|        |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |
|        |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|- Research?
|  |
|  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |
|  |- Searches?
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  +- Search* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, database?, url?, searchid?, total-results?, results-per-set?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Search-conditions?
|  |     |
|  |     |- Search-result-map? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  += Search-result-field-desc* (field-number?, field-name?, field-type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Search-result-set* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, offset-in-total-result-set?, results-this-set?)
|  |     |  |
|  |     |  +- Search-result-item* (item-number?, select?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |- Search-result-field* (field-number?, field-name?, field-type?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |     |
|  |     |     += Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  |- Queries?
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  +- Query* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, description?, database?, url?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Query-request* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, request-desc?, request-type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Query-return* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, index?, return-desc?, return-type?, hit-count?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  |- Analyses?
|  |  |
|  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |  |
|  |  +- Analysis* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Parameter* (name, value, type?, url?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Input-data*
|  |     |
|  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|  |     |
|  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|  |     |
|  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |     |
|  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|  |
|  +- Experiments?
|     |
|     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|     |
|     +- Experiment* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |
|        |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |
|        |- Description?  -->
|        |
|        |- Enzyme (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?, ec-number?, recognition-sequence?, offset?, overhang?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Equipment (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Materials (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Note (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Product (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Reagent (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Sample (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Organism (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, genus?, species?, taxon-num?, taxonomy?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Organism-clone (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Cell-line (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Development-stage? (id?, name, stage-age-value?, stage-age-units?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Tissue-sample* (id?, tissue-type?, organ?, tissue-age-value?, tissue-age-units?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Solution (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Structure (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Supplier (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Terminology (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Protocol* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Description?  -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Protocol-step* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?)
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Note* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, url?) -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Description*  -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |  |
|        |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |  |
|        |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |  |
|        |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |  |
|        |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
|        |
|        |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
|        |
|        |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
|        |
|        |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
|        |
|        |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
|        |
|        +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
+- Display? (master-doc?, first-page?, default-unit="in", line-width-base="0.01in", line-width-inc="0.01in")
   |- Links?
   |  |
   |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
   |  |
   |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
   |  |
   |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
   |  |
   |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
   |  |
   |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
   |- Fonts? (base-font?, text-font?, numb-font?, fixed-font?, font-sizes?)
   |  |
   |  += Font* (id?, class?, title?, comment?, reffont?, size?, color?, face?, bold?, italic?, underline?, fixed="0")
   |- Styles?
   |  |
   |  |= Style-import* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, source)
   |  |
   |  +- Style? (type, media?, title?)
   |- Screen? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, width?, height?, color?, monochrome="0")
   |  |
   |  += Margin? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, margin?, horizontal?, vertical?, left?, right?, top?, bottom?)
   |- Paper? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, monochrome="0", landscape="0")
   |  |
   |  += Margin? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, margin?, horizontal?, vertical?, left?, right?, top?, bottom?)
   +- Page+ (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
      |- Screen? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, width?, height?, color?, monochrome="0") -->
      |- Paper? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, monochrome="0", landscape="0") -->
      |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |- Popup-text-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?)
      |- Sequence-viewer (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, refseq?, maximize-window?, complete-seq?, view-start?, view-end?, fit-to-window?, spacing?, bases-per-line?, bases-per-window?, int-pos?, interval-height-min?, interval-height-max?, font-pos?, font-size-min?, font-size-max?, show-sites?, sites-as-ints?, sites-not-full?, sites-by-pct?, sites-percent?, interval-pos?, interval-overlap?, interval-separate?, interval-by-width?, int-pixels?, int-as-point?, plus-strand?, minus-strand?, frame?, show-point-titles?, show-interval-titles?, interval-titles-above?, interval-title-once?, title-length?, show-key?, feature-histogram?, feature-position?, density-per-window?, density-method?, density-threshold?, nbins?, pixels-per-countX1000?, max-histo-height?, auto-fit-histogram?)
      |  |
      |  |= Class-key* (key-title, key-class, border-color?, fill-color?, row?, enabled?, set-number?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  += Param (id?, name, value?, valuetype="data", type?)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Feature-histogram-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, viewref, caption?, capt-font?, numb-font?, features-histogram?, feature-position?, nbins?, height-per-bin?, line-width?, bin-width?, line-color?, fill-bins?, maximum-height?, auto-fit?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Caption-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, text?, font?, orientation?, angle?, border?, border-gutter?, border-width?, border-color?, wordwrap?, wrap-length?, align?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Line-pointer-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-style?, line-width?, line-color?, use-start-arrow?, start-arrow-length?, start-arrow-width?, use-end-arrow?, end-arrow-length?, end-arrow-width?, caption?, font?, above-line?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord+ (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Shape-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, height?, width?, filled?, line-width?, shape?, color?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Table-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, own-window?, own-in-grid?, tableid, rownums?, title-font?, header-font?, cell-font?, row-height?, rules?, rule-color?, rule-width?, cellspacing?, cellpadding?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |= Table-column+ (colnum, colwid?, align="right")
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- File-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, own-window?, caption?, height?, width?, text-font?, type?, source)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |- Image-map? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, name)
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- Area (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, shape="rect", coords?, href?, target?, nohref?, alt, tabindex?, accesskey?, onfocus?, onblur?)
      |  |     |
      |  |     |= Attribute* (name, content?, type?)
      |  |     |
      |  |     |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |     |
      |  |     |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |     |
      |  |     |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |     |
      |  |     |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |     |
      |  |     |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |     |
      |  |     +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Gel-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, digests, title-font?, min-length?, max-length?, min-label?, scale-factor?, label-decimals?, label-ratio?, label-font?, gel-length?, lane-width?, lane-gap?, lane-thick?, lane-color?, band-prop?, band-thick?, band-low?, band-color?, confusion?, confusion-color?, plot-big?, use-key?, show-band-on-seq?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Axis-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, caption?, capt-font?, ascending?, topright?, axis-length, start, end, num-divisions?, show-first?, zero-as-1?, labels?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- X-axis (use-interval?, interval-value?, tick-length?, tick-width?, tick-color?, axis-font?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  += Numbering? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, use-numbering?, type?, units?, a?, b?, dec-places?, refnum?, has-zero?, ascending?, names?, from-aligns?, aligns?, seqref?)
      |  |
      |  +- Y-axis (use-interval?, interval-value?, tick-length?, tick-width?, tick-color?, axis-font?)
      |     |
      |     += Numbering? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, use-numbering?, type?, units?, a?, b?, dec-places?, refnum?, has-zero?, ascending?, names?, from-aligns?, aligns?, seqref?)
      |- Text-key-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, key-font?, explanation-font?, key-width?, item-gap?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |= Text-key-item+ (key, explanation)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Fill-key-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, font?, pattern-width?, pattern-height?, line-width?, pattern-gap?, patterns?, fore-colors?, back-colors?, explanations?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Symbol-key-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, do-substitute?, font?, size?, line-width?, color?, open-circle?, closed-circle?, open-square?, closed-square?, triangle?, suppress?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Seq-data-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featureref?, seqref?, startpos, length, caption?, seq-font?, caption-font?, bases-per-line?, number-bases?, space-blocks?, double-stranded?, translate-dna?, translate-start?, translate-length?, source?, seq-len?, is-protein?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |- Seq-data?
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Chart-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, own-window?, width?, length?, chart-type?, text-font?, numb-font?, title-1?, title-2?, x-title?, y-title?, legend-pos?, presort?, x-no-zero?, format?, source?, tableid?, bycolumn?, column-starts?, column-widths?, header-count?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= X-chart-axis? (scale-automatic?, lower-limit?, upper-limit?, display-mode?, dec-places?, grid?)
      |  |
      |  |= Y-chart-axis? (scale-automatic?, lower-limit?, upper-limit?, display-mode?, dec-places?, grid?)
      |  |
      |  |= Chart-page? (left?, top?, width?, length?, portrait?)
      |  |
      |  |= Chart-screen-display? (monochrome?, text-font-size?, text-font-bold?, numb-font-size?, numb-font-bold?, plot-thickness?, frame-thickness?, text-color?, numb-color?, plot-color?, frame-color?, plot-background-color?, frame-background-color?, symbol-size?)
      |  |
      |  |= Chart-print-display? (monochrome?, text-font-size?, text-font-bold?, numb-font-size?, numb-font-bold?, plot-thickness?, frame-thickness?, text-color?, numb-color?, plot-color?, frame-color?, plot-background-color?, frame-background-color?, symbol-size?)
      |  |
      |  |= Chart-data* (setnum, symbol?, line-format?, line-color?, fill-color?, do-fill?, fill-pattern?, legend?, drop-left?, drop-right?, colrownum?, values?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- View-master-widget (views?, width?, height?, outerwidth?, outerborder?, outerfill?, innerwidth?, innerborder?, innerfill?, shapeborder?, shapefill?, disabledborder?, disabledfill?, shape?, hcenter?, vcenter?, hoffset?, voffset?, numviews?, linear-length?, circular-diam?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Network-display-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, networkref, canvascolor?, nodetextfont?, nodetextcolor?, nodebgcolor?, nodebordercolor?, nodeborderstrokesize?, arctextfont?, arctextcolor?, arcdashline?, arcline-color?, arcline-width?, arc-diam?, arc-len?, own-window?, width?, height?, draw-border?, scale-pct?, showgrid?, gridcolor?, gridspacing?, shadow?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Node-display* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, noderef, networkref?, node-icon?, node-image?, node-shape?, text-font-name?, text-font-style?, text-font-size?, textcolor?, bgcolor?, bordercolor?, borderstrokesize?, left?, top?, width?, height?, displaystate?, showexpand?, showselection?, expanded?)
      |  |
      |  |= Arc-display* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, arcref?, text-font-name?, text-font-style?, text-font-size?, textcolor?, text-position?, dashline?, line-mode="straight", line-color?, line-width?, source-point?, source-arc-type?, source-arc-filled?, source-arc-diam?, source-arc-len?, dest-point?, dest-arc-type?, dest-arc-filled?, dest-arc-diam?, dest-arc-len?, display-state?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Simple-set-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, own-window?, setids?, caption?, capt-font?, list-font?, align?, line-link?, line-width?, line-color?, depth?, indent?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |- Set* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idrefs, refs?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Tree-set-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqtype?, elementtype?, caption?, capt-font?, node-cap-font?, branch-cap-font?, leaf-value-font?, show-leaf-values?, show-sequence?, orientation?, link-straight?, node-font?, line-width?, line-color?, branchlen?, text-gap?, text-space?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |= Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |
      |  |= Tree-node* (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc, vloc, setid?, parentid?, node-font?, line-width?, line-color?, branchlen?, text-gap?, text-space?, node-caption?, node-cap-valign?, node-cap-halign?, branch-caption?, branch-cap-above?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Alignment-point-sets-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, pointsets, alignto?, viewids, capt-font?, capt-above?, line-width?, line-color?)
      |  |
      |  |= Symbol? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, shape?, color?, diam?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Dot-plot-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqpair, width?, height?, use-x-axis?, use-y-axis?, y-proportional?, y-on-top?, line-width?, line-color?, border-width?, border-color?, min-runlength?, min-runscore?, max-runscore?)
      |  |
      |  |= Coord (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, hloc?, vloc?)
      |  |
      |  |- X-axis? (use-interval?, interval-value?, tick-length?, tick-width?, tick-color?, axis-font?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Y-axis? (use-interval?, interval-value?, tick-length?, tick-width?, tick-color?, axis-font?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Quantifier? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, type, min-val="0.0", max-val="1.0", val-name?, base?, slope?, minimum?, maximum?, red-base?, red-slope?, blue-base?, blue-slope?, green-base?, green-slope?, to-white?)
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- View (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, seqref, histref?, title1?, title1-font?, title2?, title2-font?, startpos?, endpos?)
      |  |
      |  |= Numbering? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, use-numbering?, type?, units?, a?, b?, dec-places?, refnum?, has-zero?, ascending?, names?, from-aligns?, aligns?, seqref?)
      |  |
      |  |= Margin? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, margin?, horizontal?, vertical?, left?, right?, top?, bottom?)
      |  |
      |  |- Point-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featureref?, position?, on-strand?, caption?, caption-font?, position-font?, align-text?, text-length?, wrap-text?, show-text?, show-position?, line-gap?, text-gap?, line-width?, line-color?, line-length?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Symbol? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, shape?, color?, diam?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Point-group-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featureref?, show-as-one?, check-members?, group-pos?, featurerefs?, sites?, on-strand?, auto-plot?, one-vert-col?, defcaption?, caption-font?, position-font?, align-text?, text-length?, wrap-text?, show-text?, show-position?, line-gap?, text-gap?, line-width?, line-color?, line-length?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Quantifier? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, type, min-val="0.0", max-val="1.0", val-name?, base?, slope?, minimum?, maximum?, red-base?, red-slope?, blue-base?, blue-slope?, green-base?, green-slope?, to-white?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Member* (caption?, position, plus?, display?, value?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Interval-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featureref?, startpos, endpos, show-start-err?, start-err-len?, show-end-err?, end-err-len?, on-sequence?, gap-in-seq-line?, show-positions?, start-pos-only?, position-font?, line-width?, interior-gap?, fill-pattern?, border-color?, fill-fg-color?, fill-bg-color?, auto-offset?, offset-from-seq?, arrow-start-len?, arrow-end-len?, arrow-width?, bracket-text-gap?, bracket-line-gap?, bracket-line-len?, bracket-line-wid?, bracket-color?, plus-text?, plus-font?, plus-bracket?, minus-text?, minus-font?, minus-bracket?, center-text?, center-font?, start-type?, end-type?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Blowup-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featureref?, startpos, endpos, on-plus?, line-width?, interior-gap?, fill-pattern?, border-color?, fill-fg-color?, fill-bg-color?, bracket-text-gap?, bracket-line-gap?, bracket-line-len?, bracket-line-wid?, bracket-color?, cut-thickness?, plus-text?, plus-font?, minus-text?, minus-color?, inside-text?, inside-font?, outside-text?, outside-font?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= View-axis-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, linear-at-side?, linear-offset?, circular-rotate?, base-at-top?, use-interval?, interval-value?, axis-strand?, tick-length?, tick-width?, tick-color?, axis-font?)
      |  |
      |  |= View-line-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, strands?, shape?, hcenter?, vcenter?, haligned?, halignview?, valigned?, valignview?, width?, gap?, linear-length?, circular-diam?, plus-color?, minus-color?, interval-gap-width?, site-criterion?, group-criterion?, interval-criterion?, interval-as-point?)
      |  |
      |  |- Aligned-chart-widget (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, featureref?, full-only?, min-points?, field-number?, startpos, endpos, min-offset, max-offset, on-plus?, min-data, max-data, dec-places?, show-y-axis?, histogram?, line-width?, line-color?, caption?, caption-font?, data-font?, standard-height?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Chart (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, source?, tableid?, bycolumn="1", colrownum?)
      |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  += Border? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, line-width?, line-color?, gutter?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Quantifier? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, type, min-val="0.0", max-val="1.0", val-name?, base?, slope?, minimum?, maximum?, red-base?, red-slope?, blue-base?, blue-slope?, green-base?, green-slope?, to-white?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |  |
      |  |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |  |
      |  |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Resource* (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |  |
      |  |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |  |
      |  |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |  |
      |  |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |  |
      |  |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |  |
      |  +- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Resource (id?, title?, url?) -->
      |- Attribute-list (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, idref?) -->
      |= Cross-reference (id?, context?, database?, identifier?, identifier-type?, title?, behavior?, href?, role?)
      |= Link (id?, xml-link=="SIMPLE", role?, href, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?)
      |- Extended-link (id?, xml-link=="EXTENDED", inline=="TRUE", content-title?, content-role?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      |- Group-link (id?, xml-link=="GROUP", steps?, role?, href?, title?, rel?, rev?, show="embed", actuate="user", behavior?) -->
      +- Object? (id?, class?, editstatus?, title?, comment?, value-type?, value?, selectable?, selected?, display?, readonly?, onclick?, ondblclick?, onmousedown?, onmouseup?, onmouseover?, onmousemove?, onmouseout?, onkeypress?, onkeydown?, onkeyup?, declare?, classid?, codebase?, data?, type?, codetype?, archive?, standby?, height?, width?, usemap?, shapes?, export?, name?, tabindex?) -->

Tree representation of the Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language (BSML) dtd - generated using Matra 0.8.2b (http://matra.sourceforge.net/)

How to read the above tree?

Please check the article How to read the DTD Tree to learn how to read the above dtd tree generated by the Matra DTD Parser.

About BSML

Bioinformatic Sequence Markup LanguageTM (BSML) is an open XML data standard created to facilitate the interchange of data from diverse technologies into a consistent format for more efficient communication within the life sciences community. In 1997 the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) funded the development of BSML as an evolving public domain standard for the bioinformatics community.

About Matra

Matra is a java based XML DTD parser utility. It is available from http://matra.sourceforge.net. It is freely available under the open-source MPL 1.1 license.